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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

New State Trial Court Legal Research Database


Multi-state trial court legal research & analytics platform

The Law Library now has access to Trellis, a state trial court legal research and analytics platform. Trellis provides coverage of cases and judges from trial level courts in the following states: AZ, CA, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, MA, NV, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, TX & WA. Users can access and track trial court dockets and case documents.

You can search Trellis in a variety of ways including natural language and boolean, as well as by judge, party, county and courthouse names. Users can also search by motion types (e.g., summary judgement, demurrer) and by document type, e.g., memorandum.

Trellis is a valuable resource for research related to: motions, discovery, settlements, verdicts, class actions, and expert witnesses. Trellis is also a valuable resource for researching opposing counsel. 

You can access, track and set alerts on trial court dockets and case documents. Trellis provides a Judge Analytics Dashboard. The dashboard allows users to access biographical information and a wide range of analytics data for evaluating and comparing various aspects of a judge's practice. Categories of information include: active cases, average case length, motion grant rate, verdict data, case practice area breakdowns, motion grant rates, case outcomes (dispositions) and case milestones, e.g. average case duration, time to trial, etc.

If you have questions about Trellis, contact the Reference Office.